중국텐트 제조 / 공급 업체,제공 품질 야외 결혼식을 위한 100인 수용 가능한 더 강한 구조의 파고다 텐트, 야외 독립형 알루미늄 모터 구동 루버 지붕 가제보와 지퍼 스크린이 있는 뒷마당, 600 야외 결혼식 전시 행사용 대형 프레임 마켓 텐트 등등.
비즈니스 라이센스가 검증 된 공급 업체
LPOUTDOORS Manufactory Co., Ltd. ( Dongguan ) is mainly engaging in the design, manufacture, sales and rental of high-quality aluminum clear span structure tent system. LPOUTDOORS focus on meeting all kinds of temporary space demand for large exhibitions, festivals, event activities, sports and logistics warehousing by providing flexible outdoor mobile buildings. The main production managers have been in the industry more than 12 years. LPOUTDOORS is located in Zhouwu Industrial Zone, Dongcheng District, ...