중국비니 모자, 버킷 모자, 야구 모자, 페스티벌 모자, 베레 모자, 썬 모자, 아동 모자 제조 / 공급 업체,제공 품질 편안한 울 따뜻한 품질의 유니섹스 니트 스포츠 비니, 도매 트렌디 Y2K 겨울 따뜻한 아크릴 자카드 비니 모자, 도매 고품질 맞춤형 자카드 로고 니트 겨울 스포츠 모자 등등.
비즈니스 라이센스가 검증 된 공급 업체
Ningbo Yinzhou Tianjie Industrial Co., Ltd. Was founded in 2004. We started our business as ID accessories manufacturer. During these years, we already built stable business relationship with major customers worldwide. But after 2020, the COVID gave a hit on our business: The people work from home, the conferences were canceled, etc… Our output dropped greatly. So we looked for other chance to get our business back to track.
By a chance, we bought a hat factory in the beginning of 2021. We bought ...